tallow balm eczema recipe

DIY Whipped Tallow Balm for Eczema Recipe

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

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    Are you tired of cycling through endless creams and ointments in search of relief for your eczema? Looking for a tallow eczema treatment? Maybe it's time to go back to basics with a tallow balm. Today, I'm going to share a simple and effective tallow balm eczema recipe which is a the base of our own Whipped Tallow Balm for Eczema which you can purchase on our store.

    By the way, I'm Annie, the founder of The Tallow Company, and I was once in your shoes – endlessly searching for a remedy that could ease my son's eczema. That's until I found tallow – an age-old nourisher that changed our skincare routine for good.

    With our gentle, tried and true recipe, you can blend all the benefits of tallow balms, hemp seed oil, colloidal oatmeal, aloe vera and essential oils, right in your own kitchen.

    This isn't just another DIY skincare fad. It's a return to ancestral wisdom, harnessed to help soothe the irritation and discomfort that comes with eczema. Ready to experience the difference for yourself? Let's dive in.

    Our Tallow Balm Eczema Recipe

    Painting representing tradtional medicine such as tallow balm for eczema recipe

    Creating your own tallow balm can feel both empowering and a bit daunting. But fear not – the process is simpler than you might think, and the benefits are well worth the effort. Here's what you'll need to get started on this skin-soothing journey:


    • Natural Tallow (70%): The star of the show, tallow, provides unparalleled hydration and a protective barrier for the skin. It needs to have been processed and purified properly beforehand of course.
    • Hemp Seed Oil (20%): This non-comedogenic oil is packed with omega fatty acids that help to calm inflammation and promote skin healing.
    • Aloe Vera: Renowned for its soothing properties, aloe vera gel can help to quench thirsty, irritated skin without heavy residue.
    • Colloidal Oatmeal: A fine powder known for its soothing and protective qualities, colloidal oatmeal helps address itchiness and discomfort associated with eczema.
    • Essential Oils (optional): Tea tree oil, lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus each bring their own anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to the mix, helping to further calm and restore troubled skin.


    • A double boiler for melting and combining ingredients
    • A mixing bowl and whisk (or electric hand mixer) for blending and whipping your balm to the perfect consistency
    • Jars or containers for storing your finished product

    Next, we'll walk through each step of the recipe, ensuring that you're well-equipped to create a batch of whipped tallow balm that could make all the difference for your eczema-prone skin.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Tallow Balm

    Painting representing the chemical composition of tallow and how it helps for eczema

    Now that you have your ingredients and tools ready, it's time to craft your nourishing whipped tallow balm. Follow these detailed steps, and you'll be on your way to a natural, soothing solution for your eczema.

    Melting Down the Basics

    1. Preparing the Tallow: Take your natural tallow and place it in your double boiler over medium heat. Let the tallow melt slowly, stirring occasionally to ensure it melts evenly without overheating.
    2. Blending in Hemp Seed Oil: Once the tallow is melted and clear, reduce the heat to low and carefully blend in your hemp seed oil. It's crucial that these two ingredients are well-mixed to create a harmonious base for your balm.

    Infusing Soothing Agents

    1. Mixing in Aloe Vera and Colloidal Oatmeal: Remove the double boiler from the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly, you will see the mix starting to solidif. This is when you add in the aloe vera gel and colloidal oatmeal. For the best texture, ensure the colloidal oatmeal is finely ground and sifted to prevent any lumps in your balm.

    Adding the Power of Essential Oils

    1. Essential Oil Magic: As the mixture begins to cool and thicken, it's time to add the essential oils. Start with a few drops of one of your favourite essential oils —tea tree oil, lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus—and stir gently. You want to avoid overheating at this stage to preserve the therapeutic properties of the oils.

    Whipping Up Comfort

    1. Achieving the Right Consistency: Wait for the blend to thicken to a creamy, semi-solid state. Then, using your hand mixer or whisk, whip the mixture until it becomes fluffy and light. This helps incorporate air and makes the balm easier to apply.

    Sealing and Storing

    1. Storing for Future Use: Once the balm reaches the desired consistency, quickly transfer it into your pre-prepared jars or containers. If you've worked swiftly and the balm is still somewhat pourable, you might find that spooning it into containers works just fine. If it's already started to set, scooping it might be your best bet.
    2. Curing the Balm: Allow the balm to cool completely at room temperature. You might be tempted to speed up the process by refrigerating it, but slow cooling is best for the texture and final consistency.

    Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Your Eczema Tallow Balm

    Application tips for tallow eczema recipe

    To get the most out of your freshly made tallow balm, consider the following tips when using it as part of your skincare routine:

    1. Gentle Application:
      • Use a small amount of balm and gently massage it into the skin with clean hands. The warmth from your fingers will help it melt into the skin for deeper penetration.
    2. Best Times to Apply:
      • Right after a bath or shower when the skin is still slightly damp is an optimal time since the balm can help lock in the moisture. Check out our tallow soaps for a gentle cleanser for your skin. Before bedtime is also ideal as it gives the balm plenty of time to work its magic overnight.
    3. Frequency of Use:
      • Depending on the severity of your eczema, you may benefit from applying the balm 2-3 times a day. Monitor how your skin responds and adjust accordingly.
    4. Patch Testing:
      • Always perform a patch test, particularly if you are new to any of the ingredients or essential oils included in the balm. Apply a small amount to a discreet area of skin and wait at least 24 hours to observe any adverse reaction.
    5. Consistency is Key:
      • Natural remedies often require consistent use over time to see the best results. Don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate improvement – keep at it!
    6. Listen to Your Skin:
      • Eczema can be a complex and highly individual condition. What works for one person may not work for another. Pay attention to your skin's signals and make adjustments to your skincare routine as needed.
    7. Combining with Other Treatments:
      • If you're using other treatments or medications for eczema, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure they can be safely combined with your tallow balm.
    8. Mindful Storage:
      • Keep your balm in an airtight container to prevent oxidation and store it in a cool, dark place. While tallow is naturally shelf-stable, adding essential oils can alter its preserving properties, so freshness is crucial.

    By incorporating these practices, your tallow balm can serve as a cornerstone in a holistic approach to managing and soothing eczema.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Tallow Balm for Eczema

    When it comes to trying out a new skincare regimen, especially one that's homemade, it's only natural to have questions. Here are answers to some common queries people have when using tallow balm for eczema:

    Can tallow balm be used on all areas of the body?

    Yes, tallow balm is safe for use on any external area of skin affected by eczema. However, if you're applying it to sensitive areas, such as the face, it's best to use without essential oils or pick oils that are gentle on delicate skin.

    How long does the tallow balm last once made?

    Your homemade tallow balm, when stored properly, can last several months. If you notice any change in smell, color, or texture, it's time to whip up a fresh batch.

    Will tallow balm leave my skin feeling greasy?

    Natural tallow absorbs quite well into the skin, especially when applied in small amounts and massaged gently. While it is a rich balm, the inclusion of hemp seed oil can help it penetrate better, reducing any greasy feel.

    Can I make the balm without essential oils?

    Absolutely! The core ingredients—tallow, hemp seed oil, aloe vera, and colloidal oatmeal—provide significant benefits. Essential oils are optional and can be excluded, especially if you have an allergy or intolerance.

    Is tallow balm suitable for children with eczema?

    Tallow balm is generally suitable for children, but it's important to conduct a patch test first and use essential oils with caution as children's skin is more sensitive.

    Are there any essential oils that should be avoided in a tallow balm for eczema?

    While many essential oils have therapeutic properties, some can be irritating to the skin, particularly in the context of eczema. It's best to avoid using essential oils with known allergens or irritants and always use a lower concentration to mitigate the risk of irritation.

    Always remember, while homemade remedies like this tallow balm can provide relief for many, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice, especially if your eczema is severe or persistent.

    Conclusion: Embrace the Natural Path to Soothing Eczema

    The Tallow Balm Eczema Recipe we've explored is more than just a formula; it's a reconnection with time-honored healing practices.

    Whether you're someone who struggles with occasional dry patches or you're grappling with the chronic challenges of eczema, incorporating this tallow balm into your skincare routine has the potential to offer the relief and comfort you've been seeking. Patience and consistency are your allies here, as natural remedies often reveal their true benefits over time.

    Important disclaimer, reality is that it might not work for you and that unless the underlying causes of eczema are tackled (could be food related, detergents, fabrics and more), this tallow balm recipe for eczema won't be a miracle cure.

    At The Tallow Company, we're committed to reviving these forgotten wisdoms, providing you with the knowledge and the means to take control of your skin's health in the most organic and nurturing ways possible. And while the making of your own skincare products can be an empowering experience, remember that we're here to support you with crafted options if DIY isn't your path. Check out our Whipped Tallow Balms Here.


    -"Are Essential Oils Good for Eczema?GoodRx.  

    Is There a Benefit to Using Tallow for DIY Eczema Treatment? - Healthline.com

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